Space Technology Research Center (S-TREC)

Space Technology Research Center (S-TREC)

Space Technology Research Center (S-TREC) that focus 3 Groups on research and development of space innovations, including

  1. Space safety and security technology
    1.1 Space situation awareness and Space traffic management: SSA&STM
    1.2 Space weather
    1.3 Asteroid Warning
    1.4 Active debris removal
  1. Aerospace and spacecraft technology
    2.1 Onboard Flight Software
    2.2 Space communication and system
    2.3 Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management – UTM
  1. Research and Development of Machine Learning and AI with Aerospace Technology
    3.1 Analysis of Satellite Imagery, including both Optical and SAR Satellite Imagery
    3.2 Analysis of Weather Forecasting Using AI

In addition, there is also a network of space technology research and development both nationally and internationally. knowledge transfer, research and innovation in space. Creating opportunities for students to participate in the development of various research projects at the lab, including joint research and development of space technology with government agencies and universities both domestic and international in order to produce graduates in aerospace engineering and promote Enhance Thailand’s space technology capabilities